
A passion for the whole self

在安娜堡的康考迪亚大学,十大正规赌博平台大全排行十大正规赌博平台大全排行和知识将蓬勃发展,因为我们是一个关心你整个自我的社区——十大正规赌博平台大全排行思想, body, 和精神——并致力于帮助你充分发挥十大正规赌博平台大全排行潜力.

Our Purpose

Concordia University’s Core 值 and Mission Statement express the university’s enduring purpose and identity; its very reason for existence as a place of Lutheran higher education. 对这一中心目标的共同忠诚指导着康考迪亚的学术学校, programs, and initiatives.


安娜堡康考迪亚大学是一个致力于帮助学生发展思想的路德教高等教育社区, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and the world.

受路德教会密苏里会议的圣经和认信教义的约束, 校董会成员和康考迪亚大学基金会董事会成员, the President, 大学员工的行为方式应与以下列出的核心价值观相一致.

  • Christ-centered: Concordians have faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
  • 真理 & Integrity: Concordians speak truth and display integrity in all our relationships.
  • Excellence: 康科德人期望我们在所有的努力中都表现出色,以支持大学的使命.
  • Service: 协和教友们以关怀、乐于助人、尊重他人和知识渊博的方式为他人服务.


The faculty, leadership, 工作人员, students, 和校友执行康科迪亚的使命,每一天,因为他们追求一个充满活力的十大正规赌博平台大全之路.

康考迪亚的愿景是众所周知的国内和国际作为一个首要的路德会, Christian university, widely recognized for meaningful integration of faith and learning. 校友将在全国和世界各地的教会和社区中承担重要的仆人领导责任.

Concordia’s vision is vigorously pursued in four critical ways:


康考迪亚学生在以综合评估为指导的以基督为中心的创新环境中学习. 教职员工和大学管理人员都是榜样和仆人式领导者. 基督教教师擅长教学和指导,他们成功地将十大正规赌博平台大全排行与学习联系起来. 学术课程严谨多样,符合教会和社区的需求.

The university plans for purposeful growth.

Students grow as they develop in mind, body, and spirit. Concordia grows as it reaches more people with its mission. The university’s campuses, facilities, human and financial resources, 基础设施扩大,在一个温馨的环境中支持一个强大的学生体验, which results in the professional, 社会, academic, and spiritual formation of all Concordians.

The university makes an impact through service and leadership.

康考迪亚通过培养具有全球意识的公民来影响教会和世界, through Christ-like service and leadership, transform lives, influence communities, and value their neighbors near and far.

The university champions access and opportunity for all learners.

康科迪亚提供获得最高价值的高等教育经验. As a result, Concordia students discover and develop their vocations. Rigorous assessment of the university’s academic offerings, services, delivery systems, 市场和组织绩效导致康科迪亚体验的持续改进, 是什么让学生能够追求并坚持自己选择的职业道路.


康考迪亚大学(CU)完全赞同所有联邦和州的民权法律,禁止在私下歧视, church affiliated institutions of higher education, subject to the First Amendment. CU will not illegally discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, 任何教育计划或活动的学生或基于种族的入学申请人, color, 性, 性 characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, 性ual orientation, gender identity, national origin (including ancestry), citizenship status, physical or mental disability, 年龄, marital status, veteran or military status, predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status, or any other protected category under applicable local, 状态 or federal law. 科罗拉多大学是路德教会密苏里教会的一所高等教育机构, in compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, reserves the right to give preference in employment based on religion.


Biblical Perspective and the Statement of Purpose for Title IX Program

圣经的观点:大学认为圣经是神的启示和无误的话, 并被《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》所强迫,必须忠实于其中所阐述的宗教教义. 这些宗教信条是在路德教会密苏里会议的宪法中提出的,并被路德教会的信条所阐明, 大学认为这是对圣经的真实和有约束力的阐述. 大学仍然致力于遵守联邦的精神和文字, 状态, 以及当地法律,在录取和参与大学的项目和活动方面提供平等的教育机会和不歧视. In some instances, Scripture, as understood by the Church and the University, 要求该机构以可能与实施第九条的某些规定相冲突的方式行事, as interpreted by the 光学字符识别 and other 状态 and local laws. This being understood, the following Statement of Purpose is set forth.

Statement of Purpose

康考迪亚大学(CU)第九条合规计划的目的是营造一个良好的环境, 让所有校园利益相关者都能享受大学提供的项目和活动,免受各种形式的性别骚扰, exploitation, or intimidation, including 性ual assault. This commitment, as outlined above in the “Biblical Perspective,是通过遵守1972年教育修正案第九条和所有适用的联邦法律的要求来实现的, 状态 and local laws.


Title IX Coordinator

Joseph Niswonger
Albrecht 107A
12800 N. Lake Shore Drive Mequon, WI 53097

Office for Civil Rights (光学字符识别):

Chicago Office
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
约翰·C. Kluczynski Federal Building
230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor Chicago, IL 60604
Telephone: 312-730-1560
FAX: 312-730-1576
TDD: 800-877-8339
电子邮件: 光学字符识别


Reports/Complaints of Discrimination and/or Harassment:

报告提供歧视和/或骚扰的指控,允许第九条协调员提供有关申诉程序和支持措施的信息. 投诉将开始针对涉嫌歧视和/或骚扰的申诉程序.

  1. Talk with the Title IX Coordinator
  2. Talk with a 校园 Safety Officer
  3. File a Report/Complaint online. (Reports may be filed anonymously)
  4. Talk with a Faculty or 工作人员 member who is not a Confidential employee